A few steps to teach everyone the skills of towing and getting out of trouble
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A few steps to teach everyone the skills of towing and getting out of trouble

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A few steps to teach everyone the skills of towing and getting out of trouble

Author: Euler Automotive

Link: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/687837789

Source: Zhihu

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If a car breaks down due to a traffic accident or other malfunction, causing the vehicle to be unable to move, it is necessary to use a trailer for rescue. When the vehicle needs to be towed to a 4S store for repair after a malfunction, please use a professional vehicle for towing and entrust it to a service provider or professional towing company as much as possible. When using a flatbed truck for towing, the vehicle must be securely locked, as shown in the following figure: ② Do not use a trailer hook or trailer rope for road towing, otherwise it may cause damage to the vehicle's motor or motor controller. ③ It is prohibited to use a suspended cargo truck for towing, as this type of towing has uneven force on the vehicle body, and when encountering bumps, uphill and downhill roads, it places a heavy burden on the vehicle body. There is also a risk of the towing equipment becoming loose and the vehicle hitting the ground. Please refer to the following figure: Vehicle rescue techniques. If the vehicle gets stuck or bottomed up while driving in snowy, muddy, sandy environments, etc., we should take the following measures to self rescue: ① Engage in N gear, apply the parking brake, and switch the vehicle power to LOCK mode. ② Remove mud, snow, or sand trapped around the tire. ③ Place wooden blocks, stones, or other materials to help improve tire adhesion Restarting the vehicle, it is recommended to use a suitable driving mode. ⑤ Release the parking brake and accelerate carefully to get the vehicle out of the pit. In addition, when leaving the pit, attention should also be paid to the following: the surrounding area should be spacious and unobstructed to avoid colliding with other vehicles, objects, or personnel. The moment the vehicle leaves the pit, it will suddenly rush forward or backward, so extra caution should be taken. When rescuing or rescuing others, the following precautions should be taken: ① When towing with a trailer hook, a cable flag must be tied in the middle of the trailer rope to prevent the trailer hook or rope from breaking and rebounding, causing damage to the vehicle and even endangering personal safety. ② It is prohibited to drag from the side or vertical angle. The optimal angle for using the trailer hook is 5 ° up and down, within a range of 25 ° left and right Ejection and towing are prohibited, and the initial towing speed should not exceed 5 kilometers per hour (start slowly until the towing rope is taut) When using a trailer hook for towing, the pulling force should not exceed the weight of the vehicle. The position and installation method of the front trailer hook are as follows: ① At the gap of the trailer hook cover plate, use a flat headed screwdriver wrapped in cloth to pry off the cover plate. ② Turn the trailer hook clockwise into the hole and tighten it to ensure it is securely installed. Written at the end - Q: When do we need to use a trailer hook? A: In general, if a vehicle is trapped in a certain area and cannot be approached by a flatbed truck, a trailer hook needs to be used for rescue. Q: When do we need flatbed trucks again? A: If a vehicle needs to be towed from one location to another, a flatbed truck must be used, and the wheels must be lifted off the ground before towing. That's all for today's car guide, Xiao Ou. I hope everyone can master it but won't use it. Let's start every journey safely!

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