Can a car be towed from behind?
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Can a car be towed from behind?

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Can a car be towed from behind?

Regulations are like that, theoretically they can all be delayed, but there are still some things to pay attention to. First of all, the trailer must have a license plate registered. You can go to the vehicle management office to apply for another license plate, otherwise the trailer may easily block the rear license plate. Police officers like it the most. Also, it is best to use rear wheel drive or four-wheel drive. Due to the trailer, the pressure on the rear wheels is much greater than that on the front wheels. Even if the power is sufficient, front wheel drive vehicles may experience problems due to insufficient grip on some uphill sections. Rear wheel drive or four-wheel drive can avoid this problem. Finally, let's find a place to practice parking first. After all, the entire parking experience with a trailer is completely different. Also, resist the rogue hook!!!

Author: Sunzy


Source: Zhihu

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