Skeleton vehicle+non-standard container, express delivery vehicle can be considered as playing through the super long, super wide, and super high
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Skeleton vehicle+non-standard container, express delivery vehicle can be considered as playing through the super long, super wide, and super high

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Skeleton vehicle+non-standard container, express delivery vehicle can be considered as playing through the super long, super wide, and super high

Author: Truck Player


Source: Zhihu

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With the rapid development of e-commerce economy in the Internet era, online shopping has become an integral part of our daily life. At the same time, based on the government's policy support for e-commerce, as well as people's demand and dependence on online shopping, the logistics dividend of e-commerce is high. Despite the increasingly sluggish freight environment, the transportation demand for express delivery always remains strong. However, things will turn around when they reach the extreme, and driven by interests, express delivery transportation has also encountered chaos. Skeleton+non-standard boxes are born for profit. From the perspective of cargo classification, express delivery belongs to light foam goods. The biggest feature of this type of goods is that the individual volume is small but the quantity is large, and the overall volume is large but the weight is light. Due to the fact that express delivery cannot be squeezed or exposed to rain and sun, the vehicles used for transporting express delivery are mostly box trucks. To achieve the goal of transporting more goods at once, reducing costs and increasing profits, efforts can only be made to expand the capacity of the cargo compartments. So, express delivery vehicles with skeleton vehicles and non-standard containers were born. First, let's use two pictures to give everyone a more intuitive experience of this "express delivery car". I believe you have seen it on highways before, after all, in the express delivery market, this is no longer a visible operation. A skeleton vehicle is a specialized vehicle for transporting containers. According to GB1589-2016 "Limits for Dimensions, Axle Load, and Mass of Vehicles, Trailers, and Motor Trains", the length limit for conventional three axle semi-trailers is 13 meters, the length limit for low flatbed semi-trailers is 13.75 meters, and the maximum length limit for semi-trailers transporting 45ft (foot) containers is 13.95 meters. Therefore, for the skeleton semi-trailer transporting containers, the size limit of the trailer section is 13.95 meters in length, 2.55 meters in width, and 4 meters in height. However, containers belong to goods and are not part of the vehicle itself. According to GB/T 1413-2008 "Classification, Dimensions, and Rated Mass of Series 1 Containers", the maximum size limit for a 45 foot container is 13.716 meters in length, 2.438 meters in width, and 2.896 meters in height. Challenge the limit to increase the volume to 200 cubic meters of container trucks. Regardless of whether it is the trailer or container section, as long as one of them exceeds the specified size limit, it can be considered a violation vehicle. From these regulations, we can also know that the length and width of container trucks must be smaller than those of trailers. As can be seen from the two pictures just now, the length and width of containers clearly exceed those of trailers themselves. Leaving aside the large turning radius, blind spots, and poor passability of such vehicles, their danger factor is the most frightening. A slight mistake can lead to vehicle damage, home damage, and fatalities. It has been revealed that some express delivery companies have containers that can reach a length of 20 meters, a width of 3.2 meters, and even a height of 4.5 meters above the ground, which is considered to be over length, over width, and over height. By this calculation, the maximum transportation volume can be achieved up to 200 cubic meters, which is more than twice the amount of 96 cubic meters using a compliant 45 foot container with the maximum volume. As for why these express delivery companies dare to act so recklessly, it is because skeleton vehicles only need to inspect the chassis during registration and annual inspection, and containers do not need to be sent for inspection. As long as the chassis is compliant, actual operations can still be carried out with oversized containers and bravely embark on the road. And the containers that exceed the standard are either customized by container manufacturers or later modified, with the latter being the majority. The novel on marketing and governance efforts inevitably reminds people of the "Ten Ton King" with a length of 4.2 meters. They are all products of policy loopholes. Now, the outcome of the "Ten Ton King" is obvious to all, and it seems that one can also predict the endpoint of the three super trucks. However, the "black behind the scenes" still wants it to "fly" for a while. Unlike the 4.2-meter-long blue card light trucks and 17.5-meter/13.75-meter-long boards, which are mainly operated by retail investors, container trucks are mostly operated in a group manner through logistics and express delivery companies. If we really need to manage it, I think the difficulty should not be too great. On a certain short video platform, there are many videos about "promoting ultra long and ultra wide containers", and even videos teaching "how to reverse a truck driving an ultra long and ultra wide container", indicating that the "three super" of containers have become a convention in the industry. On the other hand, there is very little news about "controlling the three overloads of containers". After browsing the entire network, only two cases were seen, which were only discovered by traffic police during their duty, and occurred in 2020 and 2021. There have been no recent investigations. However, one more thing to say here is: we should focus on the source and not mistreat the driver. Just like what Mr. Zhang, who had to bear the cost of the car being cut on site, said "just rely on this to make a living" and "help me understand", the driver of the illegal express delivery car is just a laborer driving to work in a logistics or express delivery company. The company can only drive whatever car it is given. If he doesn't drive it, he will lose his job, be caught by traffic police on the road, and be fined points deducted, enduring insults from netizens. The car was not made by me, and the license plate was not on me. Trucks drivers really don't want to be the scapegoat anymore! Of course, not only container delivery vehicles, but also any behavior of exceeding the length, width, and height of vehicles should be strongly curbed. You are all experienced drivers who have been driving on the road for many years. The importance of safe travel goes without saying much. If you are a driver of a three super container express truck, listen to my advice: change jobs and drive a new car as soon as possible. (Written by Zhang Manqi)

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