What is the difference between a full trailer and a semi-trailer?
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What is the difference between a full trailer and a semi-trailer?

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What is the difference between a full trailer and a semi-trailer?

Author: Xiao Xin, Xiao Cute

Link: https://www.zhihu.com/question/366347492/answer/1391483539

Source: Zhihu

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The difference between a full trailer and a semi-trailer is the load part: the full trailer is fully borne by itself, and is only connected to the main vehicle by a hook. The main vehicle does not need to bear the load of the trailer and only helps the trailer provide power; A semi-trailer requires the main vehicle to provide a support point, and the main vehicle is responsible for providing power while also bearing half of the trailer's load; A full trailer relies on its own tires to stand upright, while a semi-trailer relies on the front support legs; Full trailer with front wheels, semi trailer without; Semi trailers are mainly used to transport large and difficult to separate large cargo

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